Note: This is NOT a substitute or coaching. First-timers should book this. For repeat clients, check out my coaching packages

📌 1:1 Session over Zoom (recording included)

📌 Length: 90 minutes + Detailed Follow-Up Recommendations Email*

📌 Purpose: to work on your funnels

📌 Topics: I can audit an existing funnel that isn't working or help you set up a new funnel so you can make $$$ now.


Everything you share is 100% confidential. Our sessions are a judgement-free zone. Asking for a second opinion is nothing to be ashamed of or worry about what anyone thinks. On the contrary, you will go MUCH further MUCH quicker if you invest in a bit of coaching.

One session is an investment that can have a huge positive impact on your business! Get your funnels generating leads and conversions!

Want in? Book your funnel work session today!